Who Are We?
Joel Medland
Bridget Tansem
Vice President
Samantha Beekman
Katrina Lillie
Cayman Ferguson
Director At LargE
Cary Ellis
Director At Large
- Vacant -
Past President
- Vacant -
Director At LargE
- Vacant -
Director At Large
Learn About Our 2024 Scholarship Program
Kelowna All-Star Cheer Society is proud to announce $1000 scholarships to Devynn Ulliac and Olivia Nickerson for graduating high school student athletes continuing in cheerleading and post-secondary studies, and to Callie Tansem as a post-secondary student athlete continuing in cheerleading and post-secondary studies. Recipients were required to complete a thorough application which included a full essay about how Cheerleading has played a role in who they are today. All funding for the Kelowna All-Star Cheerleading Society Scholarship Programs is proudly sponsored by Hotwire Electric Ltd. Way to go Ladies!

Learn About Our 2024 Scholarship Program
Kelowna All-Star Cheer Society is proud to announce Callie Tansem as our recipient of a $1000 Scholarship for graduated athletes returning to schooling and enrolled in Cheerleading Programs. Recipients were required to complete a thorough application which included a full essay about what life skills Cheerleading has taught them that will help in their career paths. All funding for the Kelowna All-Star Cheerleading Society Scholarship Programs is proudly sponsored by Hotwire Electric Ltd. Way to go Callie!